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Cyber Security And Web Pentesting Course

This cyber security and web penetration testing course offers all the advanced skills necessary to carry out a professional penetration test against modern web applications. You will learn the concept and the best practice for reporting in order to become a confident and professional penetration tester. You will understand the basics of web applications with In-depth coverage of the Same Origin Policy, HTTP Protocol, encoding,and cookies will prove useful for the rest of the training course.

Course Highlights


Protecting website from Hackers


Strategies against potential attacks


Addressing all the threats


Finding security vulnerability


2 course module


5+ Live Projects


180 hours of training


1 Year Free Backup Classes


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Take a look at how IFDA helps you to have a great career by delivering the best content and practice.

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Learning Outcome

Able to apply OWASP's methodology to your web apps penetration tests
Able to analyse the results from automated web testing softwares.
Able to determine key web apps flaws manually.
Able to create testing and exploitation scripts during a penetration test.
Determine and exploit SQL Injection flaws to determine true risk to the victim organisation.
Able to create configurations and test payloads within other web attacks.
Able to explain the impact of exploitation of web apps flaws.
Manually determine and exploit CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks.
Manually determine and exploit SSRF (Server-Side Request Forgery) attacks.

Software and Apps that you will learn in this course

Course Content


  1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking
    1. Information Security Overview
    2. Information Security Threats and Attack Vectors
    3. Hacking Concepts
    4. Ethical Hacking Concepts
    5. Information Security Controls
    6. Penetration Testing Concepts
    7. Information Security Laws and Standards
  2. Footprinting and Reconnaissance
    1. Footprinting Concepts
    2. Footprinting through Search Engines
    3. Footprinting through Web Services
    4. Footprinting through Social Networking Sites
    5. Website Footprinting
    6. Email Footprinting
    7. Competitive Intelligence
    8. Whois Footprinting
    9. DNS Footprinting
    10. Network Footprinting
    11. Footprinting Through Social Engineering
    12. Footprinting Tools
    13. Footprinting Countermeasures
    14. Footprinting Penetration Testing
  3. Scanning Networks
    1. Network Scanning Concepts
    2. Scanning Tools
    3. Scanning Techniques
    4. Scanning Beyond IDS and Firewall
    5. Banner Grabbing
    6. Draw Network Diagrams
    7. Scanning Pen Testing
  4. Enumeration
    1. Enumeration Concepts
    2. NetBIOS Enumeration
    3. SANP Enumeration
    4. LDP Enumeration
    5. SMTP and DNS Enumeration
    6. Other Enumeration Techniques
    7. Enumeration Countermeasures
    8. Enumeration Pen Testing
  5. Vulnerability Analysis
    1. Vulnerability Assessment Concepts
    2. Vulnerability Assessment Solutions
    3. Vulnerability Scoring Systems
    4. Vulnerability Assessment Tools
    5. Vulnerability Assessment Reports
  6. System Hacking
    1. System Hacking Concepts
    2. Cracking Passwords
    3. Escalating Privileges
    4. Executing Applications
    5. Hiding Files
    6. Covering Tracks
    7. Penetration Testing
  7. Malware Threats
    1. Malware Concepts
    2. Trojan Concepts
    3. Virus and Worm Concepts
    4. Malware Analysis
    5. Countermeasures
    6. Anti-Malware Software
    7. Malware Penetration testing
  8. Sniffing
    1. Sniffing Concepts
    2. Sniffing Technique: MAC Attacks
    3. Sniffing Technique: DHCP Attacks
    4. Sniffing Technique: ARP Poisoning
    5. Sniffing Technique: Spoofing Attacks
    6. Sniffing Technique: DNS Poisoning
    7. Sniffing Tools
    8. Countermeasures
    9. Sniffing Detection Techniques
    10. Sniffing Pen Testing
  9. Social Engineering
    1. Social Engineering Concepts
    2. Social Engineering Techniques
    3. Insider Threats
    4. Impersonation on Social Networking Sites
    5. Identity Theft
    6. Countermeasures
    7. Social Engineering Pen Testing
  10. Denial-of-Service
    1. DoS/DDos Concepts
    2. DoS/DDos Attack Techniques
    3. Botnets
    4. DDoS Case Study
    5. DoS/DDos Attack Tools
    6. Countermeasures
    7. DoS/DDos Protection Tools
    8. DoS/DDos Penetration Testing
  11. Session hacking
    1. Session hacking Concepts
    2. Application Level Session hacking
    3. Network Level Session hacking
    4. Session hacking Tools
    5. Countermeasures
    6. Penetration Testing
  12. Evading IDS,Firewalls, and Honeypots
    1. IDS, Firewall and Honeypot Concepts
    2. IDS, Firewall and Honeypot Solutions
    3. Evading IDS
    4. Evading Firewalls
    5. IDS/Firewall Evading Tools
    6. Detecting Honeypots
    7. IDS/Firewall Evasion Countermeasures
    8. Penetration Testing
  13. Hacking Web Servers
    1. Web Server Concepts
    2. Web Server Attacks
    3. Web Server Attacks Methodology
    4. Web Server Attack Tools
    5. Countermeasures
    6. Patch Management
    7. Web Server Security Tools
    8. Web Server Pen Testing
  14. Hacking Web Applications
    1. Web App Concepts
    2. Web App Threats
    3. Hacking Methodology
    4. Web App Hacking Tools
    5. Countermeasures
    6. Web App Security Testing Tools
    7. Web App Pen Tools
  15. SQL Injection
    1. SQL Injection Concepts
    2. Types of SQL Injection
    3. SQL Injection Methodology
    4. SQL Injection Tools
    5. Evasion Techniques
    6. Countermeasures
  16. Hacking Wireless Network
    1. Wireless Concepts
    2. Wireless Encryption
    3. Wireless Threats
    4. Wireless Hacking Methodology
    5. Wireless Hacking Tools
    6. Bluetooth Hacking
    7. Countermeasures
    8. Wireless Security Tools
    9. Wireless Pen Testing
  17. Hacking Mobile Platforms
    1. Mobile Platform Attack Vectors
    2. Hacking Android OS
    3. Hacking iOS
    4. Mobile Spyware
    5. Mobile Device Management
    6. Mobile Security Guidelines and Tools
    7. Mobile Pen Testing
  18. IoT Hacking
    1. IoT Concepts
    2. IoT Attacks
    3. IoT Hacking Methodology
    4. IoT Hacking Tools
    5. Countermeasures
    6. IoT Pen Testing
  19. Cloud Computing
    1. Cloud Computing Concepts
    2. Cloud Computing Threats
    3. Cloud Computing Attacks
    4. Cloud Security
    5. Cloud Security Tools
    6. Cloud Penetration Testing
  20. Cryptography
    1. Cryptography Concepts
    2. Encryption Algorithms
    3. Cryptography Tools
    4. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
    5. Email Encryption
    6. Disk Encryption
    7. Cryptanalysis
    8. Countermeasures


  1. Penetration Testing Process
    1. Introduction
    2. Pre-engagement
    3. Rules of Engagement
    4. Goal
    5. Scope of engagement
    6. Timetable
    7. Liabilities and Responsibilities
    8. Non-disclosure agreements
    9. Emergency Plan
    10. Allowed Techniques
    11. Deliverables
    12. Methodologies
    13. PTES
    14. OWASP Testing Guide
    15. Reporting
    16. What do clients want?
    17. Writing the report
    18. Reporting Phase
    19. Understanding your audience
    20. Report Structure
    21. Executive Summary
    22. Risk Exposure over time
    23. Successful attacks by type
    24. Vulnerabilities by cause
    25. Vulnerability Report
    26. Remediation Report
    27. Report templates and guides
  2. Introduction To Web Applications
    1. Introduction to Web Applications
    2. HTTP/S Protocol Basics
    3. HTTP Request
    4. HTTP Response
    5. HTTP Header Field Definitions
    6. HTTPS
    7. Encoding
    8. Introduction
    9. Charset
    10. ASCII
    11. Unicode
    12. Charset vs. Charset Encoding
    13. Unicode Encoding
    14. HTML Encoding
    15. URL Encoding (percent encoding)
    16. Base64
    17. Same Origin
    18. Origin definition
    19. What does SOP protect from?
    20. How SOP works
    21. Exceptions
    22. Windows.location
    23. Document.domain
    24. Cross window messaging
    25. Cross Origin Resource Sharing
    26. Cookies
    27. Cookies Domain
    28. Specified cookie domain
    29. Unspecified cookie domain
    30. Internet Explorer Exception
    31. Inspecting the Cookie Protocol
    32. Login
    33. Set-Cookie
    34. Cookie
    35. Cookie Installation
    36. Correct cookie installation
    37. Incorrect cookie installation
    38. Sessions
    39. Web Application Proxies
    40. Burp Suite
    41. OWASP ZAP
  3. Information Gathering
    1. Information Gathering
    2. Gathering information on your target
    3. Finding owner, IP, and emails
    4. Whois Command line
    5. DNS
    6. Nslookup Find target ISP Netcraft
    7. Infrastructure
    8. Fingerprinting the web server
    9. Netcat
    10. WhatWeb
    11. Wappalyzer
    12. Web server modules
    13. Enumerating subdomains
    14. Netcraft
    15. Google
    16. Subbrute
    17. Dnsrecon
    18. The Harvester
    19. Zone transfer
    20. Finding virtual hosts
    21. Fingerprinting frameworks and applications
    22. Third party add-ons
    23. Mapping results
    24. Fingerprinting custom applications
    25. Burp target crawler
    26. Creating a functional graph
    27. Mapping the attack surface
    28. Client side validation
    29. Database interaction
    30. Ile uploading and downloading
    31. Display of user-supplied data
    32. Redirections
    33. Access control and login-protected pages
    34. Error messages
    35. Charting
    36. Enumerating resources
    37. Crawling the website
    38. Finding hidden files
    39. Back up and source code
    40. Enumerating users accounts
    41. Maps
    42. Relevant information through misconfigurations
    43. Directory listing
    44. Log and configuration files
    45. HTTP verbs and file upload
    46. Google hacking
    47. Search operators
    48. Shodan HQ
  4. Cross-Site Scripting
    1. Cross-Site Scripting
    2. Basics
    3. Anatomy of an XSS Exploitation
    4. The three types of XSS
    5. Reflected XSS
    6. Persistent XSS
    7. Finding XSS
    8. Finding XSS in PHP code
    9. XSS Exploitation
    10. XSS and Browsers
    11. XSS Attacks
    12. Cookie Stealing through XSS
    13. Defacement
    14. XSS for advanced phishing attacks
    15. BeEF
    16. Mitigation
    17. Input Validation
    18. Context-Aware output encoding
    19. Never trust user input
  5. Sql Injection
    1. Introduction to SQL Injections
    2. SQL Statements
    3. SELECT
    4. UNION
    5. SQL Queries inside web applications
    6. Vulnerable dynamic queries
    7. How dangerous is a SQL Injection
    8. How dangerous is a SQL Injection
    9. In-band SQLi
    10. Error-based SQLi
    11. Blind SQLi
    12. Finding SQL Injections
    13. Simple SQL Injection scenario
    14. SQL errors in web applications
    15. Boolean-based detection
    16. Example
    17. Exploiting In-band SQL Injections
    18. First scenario
    19. In-band attack challenges
    20. Enumerating the number of fields in a query
    21. Different DBMS UNION mismatch errors
    22. Blind enumeration
    23. Identifying field types
    24. Dumping the database content
    25. Exploiting Error-based SQL Injections
    26. MS SQL Server Error-based exploitation
    27. The CAST Technique
    28. Finding the DBMS version
    29. Dumping the database data
    30. Finding the current username
    31. Finding readable databases
    32. Enumerating database tables
    33. Enumerating columns
    34. Dumping data
    35. Video – Error-based SQLi
    36. MySQL Error-based SQLi
    37. PostgreSQL Error-based SQLi
    38. Developing Error-based SQLi Payloads
    39. Exploiting blind SQLi
    40. String extraction
    41. Detecting the current user
    42. Scripting blind SQLi data dump
    43. Exploiting blind SQLi
    44. String extraction
    45. Optimize blind SQLi
    46. Time-based blind SQLi
    47. SQLMap
    48. Basic syntax
    49. Extracting the database banner
    50. Information Gathering
    51. Extracting the Database
    52. Extracting the Schema
    53. Video – SQL Injection
    54. Video – SQLMap
    55. SQLMap Advanced Usage
    56. Forcing the DBMS
    57. Fine tuning the payloads
    58. Aggressiveness and load
    59. Conclusions
    60. Mitigation Strategies
    61. Prepare statement
    62. Implementation
    63. Type casting
    64. Input validation
    65. From SQLi to Server Takeover
    66. Advanced MySQL Exploitation
    67. xp_cmdshell
    68. Internet Network Host Enumeration
    69. Port Scanning
    70. Reading the File System
    71. Uploading Files
    72. Storing Command Results into a Temporary Table
    73. Advanced MySQL Exploitation
    74. Reading the File System
    75. Uploading Files
    76. Executing Shell Commands
    77. Conclusions
  6. Authentication And Authorization
    1. Introduction
    2. Authentication vs. Authorization
    3. Authentication factors
    4. Single-factor authentication
    5. Two-factor authentication
    6. Common Vulnerabilities
    7. Credentials over unencrypted channel
    8. Inadequate password policy
    9. Dictionary attacks
    10. Brute force attacks
    11. Defending from inadequate password policy Strong password policy Storing hashes
    12. User enumeration
    13. Via error messages
    14. Via website behavior
    15. Via timing attacks
    16. Taking advantage of user enumeration
    17. Default or easily-guessable user accounts
    18. The remember me functionality
    19. Cache browser method
    20. Cookie method
    21. Web storage method
    22. Best defensive techniques
    23. Password reset feature
    24. Easily guessable answers
    25. Unlimited attempts
    26. Password reset link
    27. Logout weaknesses
    28. Incorrect session destruction
    29. CAPTCHA
    30. Bypassing Authorization
    31. Insecure direct object references
    32. Best defensive techniques
    33. Missing function level access control
    34. Parameter modification
    35. Vulnerable web application
    36. Incorrect redirection
    37. Redirect to protect contents
    38. Best defensive techniques
    39. SessionID prediction
    40. SQL Injections
    41. Local file inclusion and path traversal
  7. Session Security
    1. Weaknesses of the session identifier
    2. Session hacking
    3. Session hacking via XSS
    4. Exploit session hacking via XSS
    5. Preventing session hacking via XSS PHP, JAVA, .NET
    6. Session hacking via Packet Sniffing
    7. Session hacking via access to the web server
    8. Session Fixation
    9. Attacks
    10. Set the SessionID
    11. Force the victim
    12. Vulnerable web application
    13. Preventing Session Fixation
    14. Cross-Site Request Forgeries
    15. Finding CSRF
    16. Exploiting CSRF
    17. Preventing CSRF
  8. Flash Security And Attacks
    1. Introduction
    2. Action script
    3. Compiling and decompiling
    4. Embedding Flash in HTML
    5. The allowScriptAccess attribute
    6. Passing arguments to Flash files
    7. Direct reference
    8. Flash embedded in HTML
    9. FlashArgs attribute
    10. Flash Security Model
    11. Sandboxes
    12. Stakeholders
    13. Administrative role
    14. User role
    15. Website role
    16. URL policy file
    17. Author role
    18. Calling JavaScript from ActionScript
    19. Calling ActionScript from JavaScript
    20. Method NavigateToURL
    21. Local shared object
    22. Flash Vulnerabilities
    23. Flash parameter injection
    24. Fuzzing Flash with SWFInvestigator
    25. Finding hardcoded sensitive information
    26. Pentesting Flash Applications
    27. Analyzing client-side components
    28. Identifying communication protocol
    29. Analyzing server-side components
  9. Html5
    1. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
    2. Same Origin Policy issues
    3. Cross-Domain Policy in Flash
    4. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
    5. Cross-Origin Ajax requests
    6. Requests
    7. Access Control Headers
    8. Cross-Windows Messaging
    9. Relationship between windows
    10. Sending messages
    11. Receiving messages
    12. Security issues
    13. Cross-Domain XSS
    14. Web Storage
    15. Different storages
    16. Local storage
    17. Session storage
    18. Local storage APIs
    19. Adding an item
    20. Retrieving an item
    21. Removing an item
    22. Removing all items
    23. Session Storage APIs
    24. Security Issues
    25. Stealing local storage via JS
    26. WebSocket
    27. Real-time applications using HTTP
    28. WebSocket – a new W3C standard
    29. Benefits
    30. WebSocket API
    31. Security Issues
    32. Sandboxed frames
    33. Security issues before HTML5
    34. Redirection
    35. Accessing the parent document from iframe
    36. HTML5 sandbox attribute
  10. File And Resources Attacks
    1. File and Resource Attacks
    2. Path Traversal
    3. Path conversion
    4. Encoding
    5. Best defensive techniques
    6. File Inclusion Vulnerabilities
    7. Local File Inclusion (LFI)
    8. Remote File Inclusion (RFI)
    9. Unrestricted File Upload
    10. Unrestricted File Upload
    11. Vulnerable web application
    12. The attack
    13. Best defensive techniques
    14. Filtering based on file content
  11. Other Attacks And Vulnerabilities
    1. Other Attacks
    2. Clickjacking
    3. Understanding Clickjacking
    4. Feasibility study
      Case 1: Clickjacking is possible
      Case 2: Clickjacking is not possible
    5. Building of a malicious web page
    6. Spreading the malicious link
    7. Waiting for the victim click
    8. Best defensive techniques
    9. The old school
    10. Using HTTP header X-Frame-Options
    11. Like jacking in Facebook
    12. Cursor jacking
    13. HTTP Response Splitting
    14. Typical vulnerable scenario
    15. XSS through HTTP response splitting
    16. Bypassing Same Origin Policy
    17. Attack explained
    18. Best defensive techniques
    19. Defense in PHP
    20. Business Logic Flow
    21. Vulnerable web application
    22. Best defensive techniques
    23. Denial of Services
    24. Different DoS attacks
    25. DoS due to huge number of requests
    26. DoS due to greedy pages
    27. Best defensive techniques
  12. Web Services
    1. Introduction
    2. Web Services Implementations
    3. XML-RPC
    4. JSON-RPC
    5. SOAP
    6. RESTful
    7. RESTful
    8. Interaction between client and server
    9. Objects in the WSDL
    10. Binding
    11. PortType
    12. Operation
    13. Interface
    14. Message
    15. SOAP in action
    16. Further reading
    17. Attacks
    18. WSDL Disclosure
    19. Google hacking
    20. Discovering WSDL files
    21. Public Web Services
    22. WSDL Scanning
    23. Attack in action
    24. SOAP Action Spoofing
    25. Prerequisites for the attack
    26. Attack in action
    27. Best defensive techniques
    28. SQLi through SOAP messages
    29. Best defensive techniques
  13. Xpath Injection
    1. XPath Injection
    2. XML Documents and Databases
    3. XPath
    4. XPath expression and syntax
    5. XPath vs. SQL
    6. Detecting XPath Injection
    7. Error-based injection
    8. Blind injection
    9. Detect true condition
    10. Detect false condition
    11. Exploitation
    12. Bypass XPath query
    13. Extracting the XML document structure
    14. Finding out the root node
    15. Finding the first child node name
    16. Finding the content of a node
    17. Best Defensive Techniques
  14. Penetration Testing Content Management System
    1. Introduction
    2. WordPress
    3. Information Gathering
    4. WPScan
    5. Plecost
    6. Nmap NSE Scripts
    7. Directory Indexing/Listing
    8. Exploitation
    9. Bruteforce Attacks
    10. Bruteforce with WPScan
    11. Bruteforce with wpbf
    12. Attacking Plugins
    13. From XSS to RCE
    14. Malicious Plugins for Post-Exploitation & Persistence
    15. Joomla
    16. Information Gathering
    17. Joomscan
    18. Joomla Scan
    19. Extensions
    20. Content Discovery
    21. Exploitation
    22. Bruteforce Attacks
    23. Vulnerabilities in Joomla Core
  15. Penetration Testing NoSQL Databases
    1. Introduction
    2. Pentesting NoSQL Databases Methodology
    3. NoSQL Fundamentals & Security
    4. MongoDB
    5. MongoDB Fundamentals
    6. MongoDB Security
    7. MongoDB Penetration Testing Tools
    8. CouchDB
    9. CouchDB Fundamentals
    10. CouchDB Security
    11. CouchDB Exploitation Examples
    12. Elasticsearch
    13. Elasticsearch Fundamentals
    14. Elasticsearch Security
    15. Memcached
    16. Memcached Fundamentals
    17. Memcached Security
    18. Memcached Exploitation Example
    19. Redis
    20. Redis Fundamentals
    21. Redis Security
    22. NoSQL Exploitation
    23. NoSQL Injections
    24. NoSQL Injection Categories
    25. PHP Tautology Injections
    26. NoSQL Union Query Injection
    27. NoSQL JavaScript Injection
    28. Piggybacked Queries
    29. Real-Life Piggybacked Query Attack
    30. Cross-Origin Violations
    31. Real-Life Cross-Origin Exploitation Against MongoDB
    32. NoSQL Injection in MEAN Stack Applications
    33. NoSQL Injection in MEAN Stack Applications – Example 1
    34. NoSQL Injection in MEAN Stack Applications – Example 2
    35. NoSQL Injection in MEAN Stack Applications – Example 3
    36. NoSQL Injection in MEAN Stack Applications – Example 4
    37. NoSQL Injection in MEAN Stack Applications – Example 5

Jobs You will Get After Completing Course

In this digital era, the demand of cyber security and web pentesting is increasingly day by day, more than 75% companies are hiring experts in the cyber security and web pentesting to secure their websites, therefore, you have lot of opportunities to explore yourself more in this field and may look further to become a security manager and for the Apply for higher posts in branded companies.

Job profile

After completing this course

Average salary

( 1+ year experience)

Security Engineer 29K-31K
Security Analyst 27K-29K
Security Software Developer 34K-37K
Cyber Security Consultant 49K-55K
Network Security 3L-6L
Ethical Hacker 55K-60K
Vulnerability Analyst 35K-41K
Vulnerability Assessment Penetration tester 25K–30K
Red Teamer 38K–40K

Features & Facilities

Student Reviews

ifda Student Reviews
Dolly Bairwa
Google Review 

My name is sarita,I'm student of IFDA institute. IFDA is the best computer training institute. Overall I love all the classes I have taken through IFDA institute,all the instructiors are kind and petient.They are very experienced in the program they are teaching.I have recommended this site to my school and friends. IFDA provides both practical and theoretical classes. Had a great experience here.☺️

ifda Student Reviews
Chy. Nisha
Google Review 

I have a great experience in IFDA. The trainers are very supportive and explain every topic in detail. This Institute also provide backup classes on Saturday. I would like to suggest to join IFDA Institute to my friends and relatives. Thank u

ifda Student Reviews
Simran Simran
Google Review 

I consider it very helpful because when when I first got into IFDA institute, it was very friendly and my knowledge in technology has gotten just not better but best. All the faculty here are very polite and ready to help whenever asked. Getting in this institute was my best decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

IFDA has emerged as the most encouraging & favorable institute in Delhi which is an ISO certified computer training institute ,started in the year of 2014. We provide various Govt. and Non Govt. Courses to all the desired students.

Yes we provide weekly classes or you can schedule your class according to your suitable time. We also provide online and backup classes so you can attend your missed or pending lectures

Yes, Python is a must-know programming language for students seeking a career in web penetration testing course.

The minimum requirements to get into cybersecurity are a high school diploma or GED. However, if you want to pursue a career in cybersecurity, it is highly recommended to have a Bachelor’s degree in the technical field like computer science, information technology, etc. Alternatively, you can take a cyber security course and specialize in a certain sub-field through bootcamps after acquiring some basic knowledge about the subject.

Online cyber security courses across the web can lack in delivering quality practical knowledge in the subject matter. This student-friendly program is targeted toward participants from an IT background who aspire to work as a cyber security professional in companies across industries after completing their IT degree and possess an intermediate understanding of programming languages, operating systems, networking fundamentals, and computational thinking.

The scope for a cyber security analyst is extremely high in nearly each region. These professionals is aware of the way to analyse security policies and procedures to guard an organization’s digital security. A number of the key responsibilities includes distinguishing vulnerabilities in AN organization’s infrastructure, suggesting and making new ways in which to secure it. Planning, implementing, and change security measures and controls are a part of their responsibilities.

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