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Core Java Courses

Core java is a more versatile and compatible language that is used to develop numerous server-based apps and desktop apps. In this course, you will learn the Core Java Concepts from essential to advanced levels along with practical examples and coding exercises that help to build secure websites and apps. This course is designed to provide a detail-oreinted skill set to the student to get hired in the IT sector.

Course Highlights


OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)




Garbage Collection


Exception Handling


5+ Assignment


52 Hours Of Training


15 Course Module


1 Year Free Backup Classes


Take a look at how IFDA helps you to have a great career by delivering the best content and practice.

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Learning Outcome

Able to write Java programs that solve real-world problems.
Able to Identify and fix bugs and common security issues in code.
Able to check the working of the program- exceptions, multithreading, and applets.
Able to make your own java apps.
Ability to handle different possible errors using Exception handling.
Able to write well-designed, testable, efficient code.
Able to prepare and produce releases of software components.

Software that you will learn in this course

Course Content


  1. Java What, Where and Why?
  2. History and Features of Java
  3. Internals of Java Program
  4. Difference between JDK,JRE and JVM
  5. Internal Details of JVM
  6. Advantage of OOPS
  7. Object and Class
  8. Constructor
  9. static variable, method and block this keyword


  1. Aggregation and Composition (HAS-A)
  2. super keyword
  3. Instance Initalizer block
  4. final keyword
  5. Polymorphism
  6. static and Dynamic binding


  1. Downcasting with instance of operator
  2. Package and Access Modifiers
  3. Encapsulation
  4. Object class


  1. Call By Value and Call By Reference
  2. String Handling
  3. Methods of String class
  4. StringBuffer class
  5. StringBuilder class
  6. to String method


  1. try and catch block
  2. Multiple catch block
  3. finally block
  4. throw keyword
  5. throws keyword


  1. Member Inner class
  2. Annonymous Inner class
  3. Local Inner class
  4. static nested class
  5. Nested Interface
  6. Shift operators


  1. Life Cycle of a Thread
  2. Creating Thread
  3. Thread Schedular
  4. Sleeping a thread
  5. Joining a thread
  6. Thread Priority
  7. Daemon Thread
  8. Runnable class


  1. Synchronized method
  2. Synchronized block
  3. Static synchronization
  4. Deadlock


  1. FileOutputStream & FileInputStream
  2. ByteArrayOutputStream
  3. BufferedOutputStream & BufferedInputStream
  4. FileWriter & FileReader
  5. CharArrayWriter
  6. Input from keyboard by InputStreamReader
  7. Input from keyboard by Console
  8. Input from keyboard by Scanner
  9. PrintStream class
  10. PrintWriter class
  11. Compressing and Uncompressing File
  12. DataInputStream and DataOutputStream


  1. AWT Controls
  2. Event Handling by 3 ways
  3. Event classes and Listener Interfaces
  4. Adapter classes
  5. Creating Games and Applications


  1. Basics of Swing
  2. JButton class
  3. JRadioButton class
  4. JTextArea class
  5. JComboBox class
  6. JColorChooser class
  7. JSlider class


  1. Life Cycle of Applet
  2. Graphics in Applet
  3. Displaying image In Applet
  4. Animation in Applet
  5. EventHandling in Applet
  6. JApplet class
  7. Painting in Applet

13) Reflection API

  1. newInstance() & Determining the class object
  2. javap tool
  3. creating javap tool
  4. creating appletviewer
  5. Accessing private method from outside the class

14) Collection Framework

  1. ArrayList class
  2. LinkedList class
  3. ListIterator interface
  4. HashSet class
  5. LinkedHashSet class
  6. TreeSet class
  7. PriorityQueue class
  8. ArrayDeque class
  9. Map interface
  10. HashMap class
  11. LinkedHashMap class
  12. TreeMap class
  13. Hashtable class
  14. Properties class

15) JDBC

  1. JDBC Drivers
  2. Steps to connect to the database
  3. Connectivity with Oracle
  4. Connectivity with MySQL
  5. Connectivity with Access without DSN

Jobs You will Get After Completing Course

There are a lot of big companies like Google, Netflix, and Instagram that use java for backend development and many other companies are also looking for java experts to develop android apps, new APIs, and microservices on cloud. Java is ranked as the third most popular programming language and can open up various job opportunities and career paths for you with the higher salary packages.

Job profile

After completing this course

Average salary

( 1+ year experience)

Junior Programmer 25k-50k
Senior Programmer 40k to 50k
Software Developer 35k to 40k
Game Programmer 30k to 40k
Software Developer Engineer 1.2L to 1.3L
C/C++ Analyst 80k to 1L
Programming Architect 1.6L to 1.7L

Features & Facilities

Student Reviews

ifda Student Reviews
Riya Kardam
Google Review 

Best computer training institute in kalka ji IFDA have very qualified teaching to nurture to students . Clear evey dout until to get teacher.over all IFDA in complete for accounting course

ifda Student Reviews
Arif Khan Saifi
Google Review 

It is the best institute in Delhi to get trained in IT field. I have learnt Accounting, Advance Excel and spoken english from this institute and i had a great experience. After completion of the course i can see my growth and also want to suggest you all to join this institute.

ifda Student Reviews
Rajan Verma
Google Review 

I am having a great experience in this institute. Here the faculty cover all the accounting topic. They teach you beyond the bookish language and give the overall knowledge of accounting. What makes this institute different from others is that they provide you with live data to practice on. This helps in real time problem solving.

Frequently Asked Questions

Java is its ability to move quickly from one computer system to another. The ability to run the same program on many various systems is crucial to World Wide Web (www) software. Java provided this by being platform-independent at both the source and binary levels. Some 10 million developers use it and it runs on around 8 billion devices worldwide according to the Oracle blogs.

Yes, IFDA provides a certificate after completion of the core java course in Delhi.

This course is 2 months long only.

This is a unique course as this is specially designed, keeping in mind the benefit of the students. This course will help you the most if you do this from this institute because we designed it in a way that will start you off from a beginner’s level and take you to an core level.

It is the most important language to develop android apps, which are also used to develop websites server-side. You can make many android applications like- Nasa whirlwind, Google and android OS, Spotify, Amazon, etc.

Yes, we provide online classes who could not able to attend the classes due to long-distance or other reasons. You will get flexible batch timing according to your convenient time, students can also attend the individual sessions.

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