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C++ Courses

C++ language is the world's most admired language for the last 40 years for developing higher-performance operating systems, In-game programming, browsers, applications, and much more. In this course, you will get to know about the uses and features, arrays, loops, switch systems, and object-oriented concepts of programming. This course opens up wide opportunities to explore yourself more in a programming language. You can get hired by MNC companies and big private and government companies or organizations.

Course Highlights


Understanding of Classes and objects


OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)


Dynamic memory location


File handling


10+ Assignment


45 Hours Of Training


9 Course Module


1 Year Free Backup Classes


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Learning Outcome

Develop a great knowledge of the C++ language and its uses, characteristics, and capabilities
Learn object-oriented programming (OOP) and their functionalities
Understanding of many concepts such as inheritance, data binding, polymorphism, etc.
Learn Different problem-solving techniques.
Understanding of defensive programming concepts.
Ability to handle different possible errors using error handling.
Understanding of reading and writing data to and from files.

Software and Apps that you will learn in this course

Course Content


  1. Introduction to C++
  2. Different paradigms of problem solving
  3. POP vs OOP
  4. Features of Object Oriented Programming Languages
  5. Object
  6. Class
  7. Abstraction
  8. Encapsulation
  9. Inheritance
  10. Polymorphism
  11. Dynamic Binding
  12. Message Communication
  13. Constants
  14. Variables
  15. Keywords
  16. Data types
  17. Declaration of Variables
  18. Output Stream (cout) & Manipulators
  19. Input Stream (cin)
  21. Operators
  22. Arithmetic operators
  23. Relational operators
  24. Logical operators
  25. Assignment operators & compound assessment operations
  26. Increment & decrement operators
  27. Conditional operators
  28. Bitwise operators
  29. Shift operators
  30. Type casting
  31. Compound assignment operators
  32. Address operators
  33. Comma operator
  34. Pointer operator
  35. Size of operator
  36. new operator
  37. delete operator
  38. Control Statements
  39. Conditional Control Statements
  40. If, if-else
  41. nested if-else, if-else-if ladder
  42. Multiple Branching Control Structure
  43. switch-case
  44. Loop Control statements
  45. while
  46. do-while
  47. for
  48. Nested Loops
  49. Jump Control structures
  50. break
  51. continue
  52. goto
  53. return
  54. Arrays
  55. Strings
  56. Structures
  57. Pointers
  58. Comma operator
  59. Pointer operator
  60. Dynamic memory allocation using new and delete


  1. Defining a Function
  2. Calling a Function
  3. Return statement
  4. Function Prototype
  5. Basic Function Designs
  6. Scope
  7. Reference variables
  8. Recursion
  9. Parameter Passing Methods
  10. Call by value
  11. Call by address
  12. Call by reference
  13. Function Overloading
  14. Default Arguments
  15. Inline Functions


  1. Defining a Class
  2. Creating Objects
  3. Access specifiers
  4. Accessing Class Members
  5. Scope Resolution Operator (::)
  6. Defining Member Functions
  7. Outside the class
  8. Inside the class
  9. Member function with argument
  10. This pointer
  11. Passing Objects as Arguments
  12. Returning Objects
  13. Array of objects
  14. Pointer to object
  15. Dynamic objects
  16. Friend Functions
  17. Friend Class
  18. Employee Class
  19. Complex Class
  20. Matrix Class


  1. Constructors
  2. Properties of constructors
  3. Types of constructors
  4. Default Constructors
  5. Parameterized Constructors
  6. Copy Constructors
  7. Constructor Overloading
  8. Constructors with Default Arguments
  9. Destructors
  10. Differences between Member functions & Constructors
  11. Differences between Constructors & Destructors
  12. Static Data Members
  13. Static member functions
  14. Constant data members
  15. Constant Member Functions


  1. Defining Operator Overloading Function
  2. Overloading Unary Operators
  3. Overloading Binary Operators
  4. Overloading Unary Operators using Friend Functions
  5. Overloading Binary Operators using Friend Functions


  1. Class hierarchies
  2. Base classes
  3. Derived Classes
  4. Derived Class Definition
  5. Access specifier : protected
  6. Types of Inheritance & Programs
  7. Single inheritance
  8. Multiple inheritance Hierarchical inheritance
  9. Multi-level inheritance
  10. Hybrid inheritance
  11. Multi-path inheritance
  12. Constructors in Derived Classes
  13. Destructors in Derived Classes
  15. Static Binding
  16. Dynamic Binding
  17. Virtual Destructor
  18. Function Overriding
  19. Accessing Members using Pointers
  20. Virtual Functions
  21. Pure Virtual Functions
  22. Abstract Classes
  23. Virtual Destructors


  1. Types of Errors
  2. Benefits of exception handling
  3. try, catch, throw keywords
  4. Throwing an exception
  5. 'try' block
  6. Catching an exception
  7. Exception objects
  8. Rethrowing an exception
  9. Exception Handling Mechanism
  10. Catching all exceptions
  11. Nested try blocks


  1. File Streams Classes
  2. Opening & Closing a File
  3. Detection End of File
  4. File Pointers & Their Manipulation
  5. Sequential Files
  6. Random Access Files


  1. I-O stream Class hierarchies
  2. Unformatted I-O Operation
  3. get(), put(), getline()
  4. write()
  5. in cout
  6. cin

Jobs You will Get After Completing Course

C++ is one of the standard languages used in backend development. A lot of tools and frameworks depend on the speed and efficiency of C++, therefore the demand for C++ developers is growing by 21% and the earnings have also increased by about 1.48%, which is the highest gain among all the languages.

Job profile

After completing this course

Average salary

( 1+ year experience)

Junior Programmer. 20k-25k
Senior Programmer 40k to 50k
Software Developer 35k to 40k
Game Programmer 30k to 40k
Software Developer Engineer 1.2L to 1.3L
C/C++ Analyst 80k to 1 L
Programming Architect 1.6L to 1.7L

Features & Facilities

Student Reviews

ifda student reviews
Dolly Bairwa
Google Review 

My name is sarita,I'm student of IFDA institute. IFDA is the best computer training institute. Overall I love all the classes I have taken through IFDA institute,all the instructiors are kind and petient.They are very experienced in the program they are teaching.I have recommended this site to my school and friends. IFDA provides both practical and theoretical classes. Had a great experience here.☺️

ifda student reviews
Simran Simran
Google Review 

I consider it very helpful because when when I first got into IFDA institute, it was very friendly and my knowledge in technology has gotten just not better but best. All the faculty here are very polite and ready to help whenever asked. Getting in this institute was my best decision.

ifda student reviews
Chy. Nisha
Google Review 

I have a great experience in IFDA. The trainers are very supportive and explain every topic in detail. This Institute also provide backup classes on Saturday. I would like to suggest to join IFDA Institute to my friends and relatives. Thank u

Frequently Asked Questions

C++ is an object-oriented programming language. It is an extension to C programming. C++ language will give you a deeper understanding of programming structures. With this course, you can develop different types of applications, games and software, and much more. C++ programming written and compiled in C executes much faster than other programming languages in terms of execution. It is suited to all operating systems like macOS, Windows, Linux, etc, and suitable for big projects such as cloud storage systems and 3d visual projects, etc.

Yes, IFDA provides a certificate after completion of the C++ programming course in Delhi.

This course is 3 months long only.

C++ programming has an extremely good career, it opens up various different opportunities with higher salary packages like robotics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc. The C++ programmers not only work in the computer field, but they can also explore their careers in the education and government sector fields.

Yes, we provide data structure with the C++ courses in detail.

Yes, we provide online classes who could not able to attend the classes due to long-distance or other reasons. You will get flexible batch timing according to your convenient time, students can also attend the individual sessions.

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